Student Institute
June 11-16, 2017
Registration Fee
Student: $75
Family: $125
Student Tuition
Full Day: $390
Half Day: $235 (only available for 3-5 year old students)
Student Curriculum
Semi-Private Lessons & Group Classes
These classes are designed to reinforce the education received by both the studio teacher and the parent. Students should be prepared to play a polished piece for the first semi-private lesson on Monday. For the group class, pieces will be chosen from the repertoire list included in your registration packet.
Elective Classes
In addition to daily masterclasses and group classes, each full day student will choose two elective classes. See descriptions below.
Orchestra (string students only)
Violin students must be in at least Suzuki Book Three. Viola and cello students must be in at least Suzuki Book Two. All players must be able to read in first position in the keys of C, G, & D. Any violinist who also plays viola should note this on their registration form.
Chamber Music
Violin students must be in at least Suzuki Book Four. Piano, viola, cello and recorder students must be in at least Suzuki Book Three. Students must have advanced reading skills and the recommendation of their private teacher. This class will replace a technique class in the student’s schedule.
World Drumming (ages 7 and up)
Dr. David Dickens will introduce students to the music and drumming techniques of different cultures using a variety of percussion instruments.
Instructor: Allen Moody
Students will be introduced to Orff instruments and experience music, which will help develop style and sense of musical pulse.
Music Theory Games
Instructor: Mary Ann Mears
In this introduction to note reading class, students will make their own musical games that will give them the basics of note reading, rhythms, dynamics and musical terms in a fun and playful atmosphere.
Story-bound: Singing, Playing, Moving and Acting
Instructor: Allen Moody
Students will work together to create an adaptation of a children’s book that uses various musical ideas and their acting abilities.
Students will create projects exploring different techniques and materials.
Fiddle (string students only)
Traditional American fiddling. Students will learn standard fiddle tunes and techniques. Students should be at least mid-way through book one.
Modern Guitar (students should be in book 2 or above)
An introduction to modern guitar technique including the genres of rock, pop, country, blues, and jazz. Students will learn basic chord progressions and note patterns to classic and popular songs. For intermediate to advanced music students with no previous experience required.
Students will be encouraged to improvise through activities such as playing along to a chord progression, embellishing a melody, call and response, and musical storytelling. Different genres and historical eras of music will be explored, from Baroque to twentieth century jazz and popular music. Anyone can improvise.
Beginner Class: students should be at least mid-way through book one.
Advanced Class: for students in book three and above.
Jazz Violin (string student only)
An exploration of jazz standards and basic theory and improvisation. Students should be at the end of book two or above.