Teacher Financial Aid Form 2022

The Memphis Suzuki Institute has a limited number of financial aid awards available to assist families in need. Financial aid awards are partial and eligibility is determined by gross household income and number of household members. Financial aid awards are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis and are funded as long as there are available resources. Applicants will be notified within 48 hours via email of the status of their financial aid application. Please note the following:

• A letter of recommendation from a community leader (e.g. teacher, pastor, rabbi) is required. The letter may be emailed to financialaid@suzukimemphis.com.
• Financial aid awards are issued for tuition fees only, not for supplies or other costs

• Award recipients will have 10 calendar days from the date of email notification to accept the award by registering for the Institute. If Institute registration and payment are not received within the 10-day period, financial aid award will expire and the student/parent/teacher must reapply.
• The financial aid recipient is responsible for the remaining tuition balance
• All financial aid applications are kept confidential. The Memphis Suzuki Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, nationality, gender, ethnic origin, or religious belief in admission, retention, student aid, scholarship, and other educational policies.